The Platform TV, believes that practical,relevant teaching is the catalyst for transformation in individual’s lives. Scripture is inspired by God, completely accurate and our authority regarding Christian beliefs and the guide for Christian living. using every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.
IT begins with our vision to see people saved, healed , set free, disciplined, equipped , empowered and serving. Everything we do revolves around those seven things.
Our mission to connect people to Jesus and one another has grown and multiplied,expanding beyond the city, over country lines, across the river, to encompass an entire region.
We are committed to the spirit of excellence. We are striving to become an oasis of hope within every community and nations, by promoting and providing education, awareness, as well as financial independance.

We exist to bring people into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, to draw them into a Christ-centered community and help them grow in their faith. That’s what drives every decision we make and guides every conversation we have. The heart behind everything we do is to reach people for Christ so that lives are transformed. Providing teachning, music and environments that are relevant to our people and culture; helping people experience transformation; and giving people the opportunity to take ownership of their faith and their church as they grow, give and serve. The Platform TV offers inspirational programming 24/7. It’s waves cover the globe via Social Media Platforms, allowing us to reach more then 10 million households across the world.